Almost three years after the Anti-Choice Project began regular protesting with graphic abortion photos in Silverdale, Washington, the Planned Parenthood health center in that town is closing, reports the Kitsap Sun. Kristen Glundberg-Prossor, spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest, attributes the closure to less federal and state taxpayer funding. The Anti-Choice Project readily concedes that a shortage of government subsidies played a significant role in their decision making. But it is no less true that the nation’s largest abortion provider became far less popular as soon as pictures of the dismembered babies leaving Planned Parenthood were put on display along the busiest streets of Silverdale, thanks to ACP.
Injustices which are covered up have no hope of ending. In a democracy, laws which enable victimization of the innocent — for instance, taxpayer funding of abortion laws — are overturned only after a majority are bothered enough by the injustice to end it. The Anti-Choice Project is making abortion impossible to ignore or trivialize by bothering citizens with the horrifying evidence that abortion kills children in an increasing number of counties across the country.