by Ellie Peck | Mar 5, 2015 | Uncategorized |
This Sunday is International Women’s Day, the apex of our nation’s very own “Women’s History Month” celebrated every March. (I worry the men are feeling left out of the celebrations—supposedly there is an International Men’s Day— but let’s get real, it’s all about Movember.) Women on the other hand, need not fear; the voices clamoring for recognition and equality have not died down since the days of our foremothers, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony. Back then it was the right to vote. Now it is a right to abort. And sadly mixed in are all those real and pressing issues that should be on our consciences as a nation: concerns about pay gap, maternity leave, sex trafficking, domestic abuse, the objectification of women, and child support. (Yes, I said that politically charged phrase: child support—we must be willing to shell out some public dollars to offer women the economic support they need to raise a child. Granted, how said dollars are distributed is another topic. But pro-lifers must all do better to raise our voices in saying that we support women and babies BEFORE and AFTER birth, otherwise we are empty suits.) During all these celebrations of women, I wish these items would be the focus. Yet, I’m certain we’ll be reading news clips all next week about all the Very Important Persons who insist women are still suffering to claim their full ‘reproductive rights.’ And that’s where I start to get mad. I think the case has been pretty well made by now that abortion is actually quite ANTI-woman. (See Feminists for Life for all the...
by Ellie Peck | Mar 1, 2015 | Uncategorized |
Driving down the highway recently, I noticed a prominent, very large billboard that featured the ultrasound photo of an embryonic baby and the Bible verse: “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.” (Jeremiah 1:5) I cringed. Not because the verse isn’t beautiful or evocative, but I cringed at what a waste of space and money the sign was. A sign that could’ve had a much stronger impact by using non-religious words. How many more people would have paused to think? Christians: we might be sabotaging our own movement. By continuing to inject religion in every component and in every venue of pro-life activism, we push away an increasingly secular culture. We have to face the very real fact that we live in a post-Christian society. Holding up signs at Planned Parenthood that say “God is pro-life” will not only fall on hardened hearts… it will damage the entire perception of what it means to be pro-life. Using the Bible or religious arguments to appeal to people who are either completely anti-religion or casually relativist at best, is a sure way to lose credibility. I have been in many debates over abortion and the minute people find out that I’m a Christian, my message suddenly becomes offensive. They think I’m just preaching to them and refuse to consider anything else I have to say. Is it right? No. Is it unfair? Yes. But it is the reality that we have to deal with. I don’t hide my faith when I discuss abortion nowadays, I am just very careful to omit that information before the time is right. You can’t pluck a fruit before it...
by Tom | Feb 21, 2015 | Uncategorized |
What follows is an exchange of ideas that took place on Facebook between ACP Co-director Tom Herring and a Catholic woman named Rachel. “I fundamentally don’t agree with the position that including the picture of a murdered baby on a poster “humanizes” that baby. It isn’t a power struggle in which one side has destroyed the humanity of a child and the other is restoring it. That’s not our job and we can’t do it–God grants human dignity, we either honor it, or we don’t. We can’t destroy the God-given dignity of another human being, no matter what we do. We can’t destroy the image of God in them.” -Rachel It sounds like you are confusing two separate issues. The issue you are speaking to here is whether or not unborn children possess intrinsic human dignity, and of course we would agree that they do, and that there is nothing anyone could ever do to strip it away from them. The issue I was speaking to in a post above was in response to your argument that “these images objectify the babies they portray.” I pointed out that, on the contrary, these children were objectified during the rationalization of their slaughter, and that exposing the truth about what happened to them forces all of us to recognize these were more than clumps of cells — these were human beings. And in that sense, the pictures of victims humanize a baby that was aborted, often for the first time, in the minds of those with a functioning conscience. “So when I ask what using images of these babies in this...
by Tom | Nov 26, 2014 | Uncategorized |
We recently received this thoughtful letter from Fr. Marion. We are grateful to him, and to all our supporters who keep this life-saving ministry in...
by Andrew | Jun 1, 2014 | Uncategorized |
We are excited to announce the launch of our latest ACP chapter in Spokane, Washington, directed by John Weingarten. No sooner did John retire from Gonzaga University than he signed up to direct the 11th chapter of the Anti-Choice Project! Eager to be out exposing the unjust reality of “Reproductive Choice”, John hit the streets with a crew of volunteers on Saturday, May 31, before even receiving a full set of ACP signs. John already had some signs he had purchased from the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform which they were able to use for their first display. We love John’s enthusiasm and readiness to step up and defend life while so many others in our culture, even those who claim to be pro-life, hardly ever consider the plight of the unborn child. Here are some pictures from ACP Spokane’s first protest: John is a very strong and active advocate for the unborn in his work with 40 Days for Life, his participation with Show the Truth, and a new sidewalk counseling ministry he will be directing. We are thrilled to have him join our...
by Andrew | Apr 30, 2014 | Uncategorized |
We are very excited to announce the Anti-Choice Project now has brand new website, launched this week! For some time now we have been planning a transition from the blog-style website we’ve been maintaining on our own time to a crisp, custom designed website with all the resources and functions ACP needs. Here’s a quick tour of a few new main features of the website: “A National Movement” ACP is a national movement, with chapters across the country, which we can now visually demonstrate through an interactive map showing each individual chapter location with director info and contact information. You can also help us put your city on the map, but clicking the “Start a Chapter” button and applying to join this growing movement. Visit the Chapters page. Frequently Asked Questions Still one of our most useful resources, the FAQ has been updated and added to in order to address additional questions about our work. Visit the FAQ page. About the Use of Abortion Victim Images Along with the FAQ we have put together a detailed page which makes a compelling argument for the use of abortion victim images. In it, we go over examples of how shocking images have been used throughout the history of social reform, we list prominent pro-life leaders who support the use of abortion victim images (including many of their inspiring quotes), and we show examples of their effectiveness. Our hope is that this page will serve not only as a powerful resource for those wanting to learn about the work of ACP, but also be a tool for helping pro-lifers understand the important role abortion victim images...