by ACP | Oct 13, 2009 | Uncategorized |
From the Kitsap Sun: Rob Rudnick would rather be flipped off than ignored. Driving a box truck with graphic, billboard-sized pictures of aborted human fetuses on it, he gets a lot of both. Rudnick, of Bend, Ore., was cruising Wheaton Way, Warren Avenue and Highway 303 on Monday afternoon as part of the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform’s Reproductive “Choice” Campaign. Rudnick, 55, said he would prefer a negative reaction than none at all. “So far today I’m not seeing as many thumbs up,” he said from the driver’s seat. “It’s usually very polarized. Either I’m getting a thumbs up or the bird, but mostly I get indifference, which is the least healthy of all responses.” Local groups have long demonstrated against abortion, often carrying signs with pictures like those splashed on the truck. But they’ve never had a vehicle like this to elevate the issue. “One picture is worth a thousand words, and I believe this picture is worth a thousand sermons,” Rudnick said. “It’s like a television where you can’t change the channel.” The protesters strive for shock value to make abortion impossible to ignore or trivialize, said Glenn Stockton, president of Bremerton-based Samuel’s Hand Coalition. “The tendency is to have an emotional reaction and blame the person holding the picture,” he said. “We understand that, because it does evoke strong emotions, but the intent is to educate people about what goes on inside abortion facilities. We believe that once that is known and clearly understood and people witness these horrifying photographs, that the killing will stop.” Stockton invited friend Darius Hardwick, Northwest operations director for Center for...
by ACP | Sep 12, 2009 | Uncategorized |
During a protest at the entrance of Olympic College in Washington, a passerby changes his views about abortion after hearing pro-life answers to common pro-choice arguments. Check it out: Many Americans are fed and accept the faulty pro-abortion logic which says it is better to kill a baby, than to have an overpopulated world; that it is better to kill a baby than to have a raped mother bear the burden of raising or placing her child up for adoption; that it is better to to kill a baby, than to have that babies deformities place a burden on society. Tragic as these scenarios may be, they can never justify the intentional killing of innocent human...
by ACP | Sep 2, 2009 | Uncategorized |
The ACP paid a visit to the town hall meetings of Jay Inslee (8/29/09) and Norm Dicks (8/31/09) to show politically active residents of Kitsap County what electing pro-abortion politicians means to helpless babies in the womb. Some voters expressed their appreciation, others their disgust with us. (Q: Why is it that people always want to attack the...
by ACP | Aug 26, 2009 | Uncategorized |
Here is yet another perfect example of the Mainstream Media’s (MSM) double standard when it comes to airing graphic material. If you haven’t heard, the UK has put together a Public Service Ad (PSA) which is intended to “scare” or educate young people on the dangers of text-messaging while driving. The PSA shows, in graphic detail, a fictional account of a car of young girls getting into an accident because the driver was text-messaging on her cell phone. The video is considered so graphic that it has generated a lot of controversy. But is the video “too disturbing to show on television”? Quite the contrary. CNN has aired the graphic portion of the PSA in its entirety, before which the commentator warned, “This is very difficult to watch, but you need to see it. It could save your life.” And while the PSA plays for a second time in the background, the host of the show discusses the video with guest, Michael Sinclair, of the Automotive Club of New York, who admits, “It’s very hard hitting, but that is the reality of the situation… It’s hard hitting, but I think we need to show these kind of things.” Contrast this to the coverage the Anti-Choice Project and the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform have received over the years. Despite it having been proved without a doubt that graphic images of abortion change the minds of women and men thinking of killing their babies, not to mention the life saving impact these images have by swaying public opinion against the act itself, it remains to be seen that any major news...
by ACP | Jul 24, 2009 | Uncategorized |
The NAACP held their centennial convention last week. Organizers from and the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform were there to educate attendees about the disproportionate number of black babies who are aborted in America. Read the rest...
by ACP | Jul 15, 2009 | Uncategorized |
Another excellently produced video by See the previous...