by Andrew | May 23, 2019 | News |
This week, ACP has launched a new billboard message in Bellingham, Washington. It simply reads: Planned Parenthood aborts 1 unborn baby every 95 seconds. This billboard is displayed just a few blocks from a Planned Parenthood abortion facility and we will be running the message in other locations soon. You can help us fund more billboards by supporting the Anti-Choice Project with a tax-deductible donation. Planned Parenthood Abortions – The Math Planned Parenthood has repeatedly claimed that abortion makes up only 3% of their “services”, which then gets regurgitated by Leftist pundits on mainstream news outlets and by politicians in order to obfuscate the fact that abortion is a mission-critical part of their business model. The truth is, if it weren’t for abortion Planned Parenthood would have no reason to exist at all. So, let’s cut the nonsense and put the misleading 3% number into context. According to Planned Parenthood’s latest annual report (2017-2018), they performed a total of 332,757 abortion procedures. So, here’s the math behind our billboard message: 365 days x 24 hours x 60 minutes x 60 seconds = 31,536,000 seconds per year 31,536,000 seconds / 332,757 abortions = 1 baby killed by Planned Parenthood every 94.77 seconds In other words, in the time it takes… …to brush your teeth; …to scroll through a few Facebook posts; …to get through a couple of commercials on TV; …an innocent baby is being torn to pieces by Planned Parenthood abortionists. It’s really happening. And we must frequently remind ourselves of this reality, and wake Americans up to it, as it’s all too easy to become complacent and numb...
by Andrew | Feb 11, 2016 | Newsletter |
The following is from our quarterly newsletter. You can be among the first to receive our printed newsletter and see previous issues here. For several months ACP has been in discussions with a professional, pro-life graphic design company and enlisted their assistance with creating and marketing quality memes that can be shared widely on Facebook. With these memes we are reaching tens of thousands of pro-lifers who are able to then share the meme on their own Facebook profiles where it appears in the news feed of many of their friends. This is an incredibly high-impact-low-cost way of reaching people with our message. Here are images of three such memes: The National Scourge of Abortion Forty-three years after Roe v. Wade it is easy to become discouraged — and perhaps even experience a dark sense of despair about ever ending abortion. Many of us have been praying and fighting for the lives of babies for as long as we can remember, and still the country seems paralyzed with inaction. It is true that our progress on the national scene can be described as modest, at best. But we cannot lose hope on account of that. Here are three reasons why: 1. Our job is to faithfully respond to the Christian duty of speaking out in defense of every innocent child, regardless of outcome. Christ himself was unable to persuade many (John 6:64-66, Matthew 19:22, Luke 4:28-29), and his message was so reviled that he was put to death. Christians should not be discouraged or even surprised when their message of love and compassion for preborn babies is shouted down,...
by Andrew | Nov 11, 2015 | Newsletter |
The following is from our quarterly newsletter. You can be among the first to receive our printed newsletter and see previous issues here. In September we were contacted by Melissa Stiwinter of Cullowhee, North Carolina. Melissa wanted to start a chapter of the Anti-Choice Project in her home town. Cullowhee is a college town, and since one quarter of all abortions are performed on college-age women, Melissa’s outreach to those in her community will be especially effective. After receiving eight of our “Choice” signs in the mail, she wrote, “WOW! The signs are much more powerful in person. What an impact this is going to have on our small communities here in WNC [Western North Carolina]. As my 10 year old daughter says ‘We just want to save the babies!’ Thanks for this wonderful opportunity to make a difference! The Holy Spirit in jumping inside me and I know great things are to come from this project.” We thank Melissa — and all our chapter directors — for their courage and dedication to lead the charge against a culture of death and expose the evil of abortion. “God commands us to expose the deeds of darkness in Ephesians 5:11 and there is no deed darker than abortion. When Christians help Planned Parenthood hide the horror of abortion, savable babies are butchered and public opinion will never support outlawing abortion.” – Gregg Cunningham, Center for Bio-Ethical Reform Nationwide Protests of Planned Parenthood On August 22nd, and again on October 10th, the Anti-Choice Project joined with over 60 state and national organizations in a joint protest against Planned Parenthood coordinated by our...
by Andrew | Aug 24, 2015 | Newsletter |
The following is from our quarterly newsletter. You can be among the first to receive our printed newsletter and see previous issues here. On June 1, 2015, we received an ACP chapter application from Colby Sims of Dallas, Texas. Colby is a pro-life activist who felt the calling to become more involved in exposing the evil of abortion. After getting to know Colby over the next few weeks, we determined he would be a great fit as a chapter director in Dallas and shipped him 8 abortion victim signs and a security camera! We are very excited to have Colby join our team and add Dallas to the ever-growing list of U.S. cities in which the disturbing truth of abortion will be exposed. ACP Bellingham Exposes Catholic Hospital Back in February of 2011 pro-lifers in Bellingham, Washington, were alerted to the fact that the parent website for St. Joseph’s Catholic Hospital contained information for deciding whether or not to have an abortion. The website further advised that “If you are thinking about having an abortion, it’s best not to wait.” Upon learning of this discovery, the pro-life activists immediately mailed a letter of complaint to the CEO of PeaceHealth-St. Joseph Medical Center with a print-out of the abortion statement from their website enclosed. A copy of this letter was also forwarded to the Archbishop of Seattle. A few weeks later a response letter arrived from Ross Fewing, Director of the Center for Mission at St. Joseph Medical Center. In his letter Mr. Fewing said he had forwarded the concern to their System Director of Ethics as well as...
by Andrew | Jun 1, 2014 | Uncategorized |
We are excited to announce the launch of our latest ACP chapter in Spokane, Washington, directed by John Weingarten. No sooner did John retire from Gonzaga University than he signed up to direct the 11th chapter of the Anti-Choice Project! Eager to be out exposing the unjust reality of “Reproductive Choice”, John hit the streets with a crew of volunteers on Saturday, May 31, before even receiving a full set of ACP signs. John already had some signs he had purchased from the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform which they were able to use for their first display. We love John’s enthusiasm and readiness to step up and defend life while so many others in our culture, even those who claim to be pro-life, hardly ever consider the plight of the unborn child. Here are some pictures from ACP Spokane’s first protest: John is a very strong and active advocate for the unborn in his work with 40 Days for Life, his participation with Show the Truth, and a new sidewalk counseling ministry he will be directing. We are thrilled to have him join our...